See also

niedziela, 8 września 2013


Fuleryt (or fullerene C60) - allotropic variety of carbon, present in the form of spheres of nano-sized consisting of 60 carbon atoms has long been suspected of it, it may have some medicinal properties. Now scientists studying the case of the toxicity of this substance have found that it can prolong our lives twice.

The study was conducted at the University of Paris Sud, the rats were administered fuleryt. The control group maintained at the normal diet - without C60, the other was getting in addition pure olive oil, and the third to the oil fuleryt was added at a concentration of 0.8 mg / ml.

The results were a complete surprise, since the study was to see how much toxity for our body is the chemical compound. So when we found that the control group lived 22 months, the rats consuming olive 26 months, and those who received fuleryt - 42 months - scientists could not believe it.

They concluded that this effect was caused by a reduction in oxidative stress - the natural imbalance between the action of reactive oxygen species and the biological capacity for rapid detoxification of reactive intermediates or repair the damage done - which is one of the major factors in the aging of the body.

The discovery is a gigantic breakthrough - after all, who would not want to live any longer. However, this is only the first study, and pending the launch of the product, which can extend our lives may take twice as long time.

Source: ScienceDirect, wikipedia, extremelongevity, gizmodo

wtorek, 3 września 2013


The diamond is pure carbon, with the proviso that in the interior atoms are arranged in such a way that it is the hardest substance occurring in nature. Now, chemists have succeeded in creating an entirely new form of carbon, which is so hard, that during the process of creation of carved diamond anvil.

It is a mixture of crystalline and disordered structure. It consists of a frame of carbon-60 (or fulerytu - a substance, which in the future can extend our lives even twice). Then, in the space between the hollow spheres organic solvent xylene were introduced and the pressure was applied.

At low pressure fulerytu structure remained the same, but with the increase in the blank bullets were taken to form amorphous clumps of carbon atoms. Despite this, they remained in place, forming a fairly tight mesh.

The researchers found that after using the pressure 320,000 times greater than that which prevails on the surface of the Earth, the grid does not return to its original shape.

The key to success here is mainly used solvent - because after you remove the material loses its properties. And thus there is an additional possibility - there are a lot of similar products and use them instead of the solvent xylene can give a completely different material properties.

The researchers believe that the new material should be a wide range of applications in mechanics and electronics.

Source: tgdaily


Since the two physicists received the 2009 Nobel Prize for the invention of graphene - allotropic form of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms of the element - are carried out extensive work on finding uses for this amazing material. I recently managed to create with it a transistor , which had a clock, a trifle , 427 GHz .

Advances in conventional silicon processors recently rests mainly on miniaturization , and some believe that the limit of their capabilities , this technology has reached a little over 10 years, giving us no choice - we have to find something new . That something was to be graphene , however, has long been working on the researchers had one major problem - it does not have the so-called . band gap ( it separates the valence band from the conduction band ) .

In other words, the electron energy range in which the material changes from an insulator in a guide - a phenomenon just switching between the two states is the basis of operation of the transistor.

Until now, scientists have tried to create an artificial band gap in graphene , but they managed it. Now researchers from the University of California, Riverside working under the direction of Guanxiong Liu decided to use the phenomenon of so-called negative resistance - which roughly lies in the fact that the current is getting into the system creates a momentary voltage drop in its interior.

Using this phenomenon , the researchers were able to create with the help of a few graphene field effect transistors ( FETs ) classical logic gates . And as expected - graphene has a very significant advantage over silicon - using only three graphene transistors can be created XOR gate ( the need for the eight silicon transistors ) which can reduce the entire system , and to the graphene transistors reach speeds of up to 427 gigahertz .

It all adds up to a system that several orders of magnitude ahead of all current processors .

It seems that soon should be able to get around Moore's Law .

Source: MIT Technology Review